Offshore Wind North East 2021

Sofia was Strategic Event Partner for the fourth year in a row for this prestigious annual showcase for North East suppliers.

Engaging with the North East supply chain

For the fourth year in a row Sofia was Strategic Event Partner for Offshore Wind North East, the region's premier offshore wind event, which is organised annually by NOF and Energi Coast.

This year after a year off during the pandemic, visitors were able to attend in person with around 700 making it to the Beacon of Light venue in Sunderland over the two days in early December. However for those not able to make it there was also a virtual option with online company stands open to view and virtual networking.

Sofia had five expert team members at the event staffing the branded Business Lounge and engaging with more than 100 suppliers and other interested parties wanting to know the latest about the project and find out about potential supply chain opportunities.

On Day Two we were involved in two presentations for attendees including a skills session by the project communications, stakeholder and skills lead Sue Vincent and a keynote speech - Sofia Offshore Wind Farm: The newest chapter in RWE’s North East story - delivered by project director Matthew Swanwick and senior project manager Jonathan Grigg.

This event continues Sofia's long-standing relationship with the North East cluster via NOF and Energi Coast and RWE's long-standing relationship with the North East supply chain, involved in each of the company's offshore wind projects since the first commercial offshore wind farm was commissioned in 2004.

A round-up video of the event with interviews from attendees, can be viewed here


December 2021
