Yearby Community Association

Helping to make the countryside surrounding Yearby village more accessible to all and creating supportive local networks.  

Making the countryside more accessible

The organisation: The Association aims to promote and strengthen the community spirit and improve the local environment. It works to support the wellbeing and social inclusion of elderly residents, prevent isolation for all residents, and hold events and activities that can benefit residents' general health and social wellbeing.

The initiative: The funds to the Yearby Community Association will, in a very practical way, enable members of the community to access the countryside while also providing the opportunity to create local networks. The focal point of the grant is the purchase and installation of a kissing gate, replacing a high stile which has been a barrier for many older and less mobile residents to join a public footpath out of the village and into the countryside beyond.

The grant will also fund amenities including a fridge plus tables and chairs for the Association that will enable them to restart social events, giving residents the chance to reconnect, meet new people and strengthen community bonds to create much needed local supportive networks.


July 2021
